Menstruation & The Necessity of Protein Intake

Menstruation & The Necessity of Protein Intake

Ladies, there's this one monthly visitor that demands attention, care, and lots and lots of desserts. ‘That time of the month’ sometimes enters loudly with the pre-period weeks of cravings, mood swings (that later you can blame it on the cycle), cramps, bloating, acne, and whatnot. But it also sometimes sneaks in silently in the middle of the day, especially when you are wearing light-colored pants, which you thought would be a very good idea to style in the morning. 

Talking about periods, we tend to give into the realm of stress eating during the times of our cycle. Have you wondered why do we develop a sweet tooth and live off of desserts and munchies? Well, trust us, it’s not just you; it’s all of us. There’s a biological explanation to it. There’s no hidden truth that the body of a woman experiences a whole lot of emotional and physical changes while menstruating. 

This part might sound boring, but it is a must-read to understand your body!

While talking biologically, the estrogen and progesterone levels drop, which leads to effects on serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical that is responsible for regulating mood and appetite, once dropped, it tends to increase our appetite. So, what happens here is that to boost your mood, your mind tricks you into eating food that is high in carbohydrates and sugar, which lasts for a very short period. And while you are losing so much blood every minute of the day, the nutrients from your body are flushing away with it too, which is another reason why your body demands more food.

While munching may initially seem like an appealing option to us, it comes with high calories and carbohydrates, which will keep you full only for a short-lived duration, which will eventually lead to eating more food. For women, especially while menstruating, indulging in high protein-based foods will be a more nourishing choice. 

The profound relationship between the menstrual cycle and protein intake.

At one point, there were so many myths about protein intake that it was suitable only for those who lifted heavy, hit the gym, or were involved in some kind of muscular or athletic activity. But slowly, the myths around protein intake—that it is just limited to a particular set of people—are bursting. Protein is one of the most essential pillars of our body, which promotes a healthy lifestyle by promoting muscle growth, muscle mass, and weight management as well. 

 How do calculate how much protein should consume daily? 

Protein intake usually depends on person-to-person factors such as weight, activity level, age, sex, etc. However, according to the RDA, the benchmark for a person to consume protein is 0.8 to 1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight. To sum up, it is essential to eat a high protein balanced diet in your daily meals. 

There’s a fascinating connection between a woman’s menstruating cycle and protein intake. From easing up cramps to feeding the cravings to re-energizing and keeping you going the entire day, there are numerous benefits. Keep reading for detailed information:

  • When you lose blood from your body, you also lose a lot of nutrients. Eating meals and snacks that are high in protein can help replenish these nutrients, as they contain important amino acids and iron. This will give you more energy and help you power through your day. While all our hearts are tilted toward sweet desserts and munchies, we are all aware that, in the long run, it does not keep us full for a long period. High- protein-based meals and snacks are recommended to keep your appetite and cravings in check.
  • Are you one of the individuals who experience the most difficult periods? And the cramps feel like they're taking over your body, and you'd do anything to stop the constant pain? Consuming high-protein foods helps with muscle relaxation and regulating the blood sugar level, which leads to reduced intensity of cramps.
  • Witnessing acne marks, brittle hair, and poor skin health overall makes us all go gaga. Indulging in a good protein-balanced diet will help in the enhancement of skin and hair. 
  • If you are someone who is suffering from PCOD or PCOS, it is highly recommended to have high-protein meals, which help with the regulation of blood flow. 

One of the easiest ways to consume protein is through grains, dairy products, legumes, plant-based protein, etc. However, if you want a much more unique, easy-to-make on-the-go, there are various recipes for healthy protein snacks and shakes. 

Adding protein powder to your daily life routine is a convenient way to ensure you are getting all the right nutrients packed in the protein powder, even when you are on the go. Nakpro Nutrition is India’s best-leading protein supplement brand and promises to serve 24 grams of protein per 33 grams of scoop. Incorporating protein powder into your daily life will help you stay on track and keep you energized all day long. Nakpro Nutrition is a third-party lab-tested nutrition brand, so the certificate assures the safety of consumption and the protein claimed.

Your body talks when it is low on protein, and you should attend to it. 

  • Changes in the Menstruation Cycle:

Irregularities in the timing, duration, or intensity of periods. The flow of the blood is sometimes also affected. 

  • Hair, Skin, and Nail Changes: 

Protein is crucial for hair, skin, and nail growth and maintenance. Inadequate protein intake can lead to weak hair, dry skin, and fragile nails, as the body prioritizes protein allocation for essential functions over non-essential tissues.

  • Mood Swings:

If protein is not taken sufficiently, the body may not produce enough neurotransmitter levels, which further leads to irritability, frustration, and mood swings.


Protein deficiency causes hormonal imbalances and metabolic dysfunction. If protein is not included in your daily life, it becomes difficult to manage PCOD/PCOS.

Quick and Delicious On-the-Go Protein-Packed Recipe Ideas


  • 1 scoop (33g) chocolate-flavored protein powder (24g protein)
  • 1 ripe banana, peeled and sliced
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt (plain or flavored)
  • 1/2 cup almond milk or any milk of your choice
  • 1 tablespoon honey (optional, for sweetness)
  • 1/2 cup ice cubes (optional, for thickness) 


  1. Start your delicious Chocolate Banana Protein smoothie by first gathering all the ingredients together.
  2. Start by adding chocolate-flavored protein powder, sliced banana, and Greek yogurt to the blender. Pour in ½ cup of almond milk, and add honey if desired.
  3. You can add if you want to have a creamy chilled smoothie.
  4. Blend it all. (note- if you are adding ice, make sure you continue blending until the ice is completely incorporated inside the smoothie.)
  5. And now our quick, easy-to-go smoothie filled with high protein and delicious flavor is ready!


  1. If you wish to garnish your protein smoothie, you can add some sliced bananas and nuts- of your choice for some added crunchiness in the smoothie.
  2. You can sprinkle some cocoa powder (unsweetened) and more honey (if desired).
  3. Your healthy protein shake is now ready to energize your cravings and fuel you with energy for a long period.