Plant-based Protein: Bursting the Myths

Plant-based Protein: Bursting the Myths

In a world, full of speculations and misconceptions, vegan protein or plant-based protein has faced its fair share of skepticism. Even if the misconceptions are worked around for a few people, there are doubts about taste and mixture. In this blog, let’s explore these concerns and shed light on the truth behind plant-based protein.

To debunk the myths, first, let’s know what plant-based protein is.

Plant protein is a type of protein extracted from plants rather than the by-products of animals, making it a great alternative packed with all the essential nutrients required by the body. It is derived from food like legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables, etc. Some examples of plant-based protein powders are- peas, soybeans, rice, etc. 

 Are you curious to know how plant proteins are made?

Well all of them have different processes to extract protein from the plant, we will be jotting down a few of them for you:

  • Pea Protein Powder:
  • First, the peas are ground up to a fine powder-like texture. The powder is now set aside for the filtration process, where the fiber and starch are filtered out, leaving behind a substance packed with protein. This is how pea protein is made.

  • Soy Protein:
  • Soybeans, the seeds of the soy plant, are crushed to extract the oil. After the crushing process, the remains are treated to remove the fat, resulting in defatted soy flour. This flour is then processed to isolate the protein, creating soy protein powder.

  • Rice Protein:
  • Brown rice, the grain along with its outer covering, is treated with special substances called enzymes. These enzymes help break down carbohydrates and fiber, leaving behind a powder packed with protein, and this is how rice protein is made.

    Myths around plant/vegan protein, debunking them!

  • Incomplete Protein:
  • 'You should never judge a book by its cover,
    but we insist, please judge the product by its label.'


    We will tell you why-

    The myths suggest that plant-based protein lacks essential amino acids, which makes plant-based protein an incomplete protein. But let’s debunk the myth with a pure fact-

    Combining diverse plants, the essential amino acids required for a human body to consume are fulfilled.

    Here’s a fine example of the same,

    Pea Protein is rich in lysine whereas, brown rice is rich in methionine and cysteine. Combining these two, we get a protein powder rich in all the essential amino acids required. click here to view the product

    As shown above in the image, if the label mentions, that essential amino acids are present, you don’t need to give a second thought to it.

  • No muscle growth:
  • Leucine is an essential amino acid, that is found in plant-based protein- one of the important nutrients that triggers muscle growth, develops strength, etc. Other than this fact, there are various scientific studies, bodybuilders, and athletes, who testify that plant protein does help in muscle growth.

  •  Bland in taste:
  • Well, everyone has a preferred palate for themselves, and there is no other say to it. 

    Now, there are flavors available, that serve every palate, from creamy vanilla to rich chocolate and exotic mangoes, there are various flavors that you can experiment with. 

  • More protein for better results:
  • This myth is the extended version of ‘Plant-protein does not have sufficient nutrients and protein’. With this belief, individuals end up consuming more protein powder, where in fact, it can end up being dangerous. 



    0.8g per kg of body weight

    Lightly Active

    1.0g per kg of body weight

    Very Active

    1.6g per kg of body weight



    Plant-based protein has a legitimate nutrient and protein profile that is packed with all the essential amino acids. Nakpro Nutrition has debunked the myths about protein from plants and also offers various plant-based proteins in exciting flavors.